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7 Day Water Fast, 3 Day Juice Fast

by Student_Faster

I just completed a 7 day water fast and I am now juicing for 3-4 days. It has been an amazing experience. I will not lie, however, I did not pick a time of rest to do this.

I had to go to school full time, work part time, and keep up with my life at home. It was a little stressful and I would not recommend doing it the week before finals or when you are physically active.

I am 5'7" and started at 165, right now on day 2 of my juice fast I am at 151. I'm sure I lost a lot of muscle mass so once I'm back to eating small meals I will be hitting the gym.

The only other negative side effect that I have had is dizziness, which is probably because I get up a bit too quickly and my body is shocked from all the sugar in the juice. I didn't get any withdrawal or detox symptoms.

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