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Fasted For 10 Days in Asia With 9 Colonics ~ Life Changing!

by FasterForLife

Fasting has changed my life dramatically. I am in my 40's and after so many years now I finally look at food differently, and enjoy every bite, taste, and smell of it.

We take food for granite, and so many of us abuse it. I know I did, and still occasionally have a downfall.

That's what's great about fasting, when you have a bad day or week, you can pull yourself back together with a simple 1 or 2 day fast. Fasting doesn't have to be a 1 or 2 time a year thing. It can be part of your life, and it can change yours.

I actually fast for breakfast daily with water and lemon or a Simplifast beverage. I never eat before noon. Then eat organic veggies and grains and anything else I want from noon on.

When I do spurge, I fast with a simplifast drink only + water for 1-2 days after the splurge, and get back on track.

I like Simplifast drinks because I don't have to mix anything or take supplements or any fiber, it has everything in the drink. I will also drink a straight shot of pure lemon juice in the morning and at lunch and dinner to curb my appetite.

It's nice and tart but it changes the pallet to curb sweet cravings. I think colonics are important to clean out the body in addition to the fast.

It pulls the crap out and you will feel escalated in ways you never knew you could, like a natural high full of energy free of stimulants.

I had 9 in a row, and it was very intense. I will do this now 1x a year and continue my fasting weekly to maintain daily and weekly health.

I feel light all over and never seem to gain any weight back, even if I misbehave with my eating and drinking indulgences.

Everyone should try fasting, and feel the effect first hand. It can change your life too.

Fasting is for life...

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Mar 11, 2020
Impressive NEW
by: G

So impressive! Fasting is really good even for the health.

Nov 02, 2015
life changing NEW
by: Johnson

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Sep 27, 2015
Useful post NEW
by: Maruf

Yes, It's proven that Fasting is playing key role weight loss. If anyone want to become slim and smart then fasting for 10 days then must see the good output. Actually, I have read so many stories of those people who get benefits from fasting. However, I actually want to get assignment writing but i think it's one of the best way to get rid of over weight. Must try it which is not easy to do.

Sep 27, 2015
good post NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes, It's proven that Fasting is playing key role weight loss. If anyone want to become slim and smart then fasting for 10 days then must see the good output. Actually, I have read so many stories of those people who get benefits from fasting. However, I actually want to get assignment writing but i think it's one of the best way to get rid of over weight. Must try it which is not easy to do.

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