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Fasting Inspiration and Encouragement!

by Mike
(Ottawa, Canada)

Hey Everyone,

My name is Mike, I am 22 years old and I am on day 5 of my 30 day water fast. I have done a few fasts before (Weighed in around 240lbs) and lost roughly 30lbs of fat (Now at 210). Another 30lbs will bring me to my ideal weight of 180lbs, at 6'2.

During my fast I am doing some light work out and lots of stretching.
My energy levels aren't too bad at all, as I have felt worse from eating food!

Once I get close to ending my fast and re-introducing healthy foods, I will be working out pretty often to get lean.

After day 7 fasting gets even easier for me as I remind myself that I have come this far already, and ending now would ruin the progression. Mind over matter.

The biggest motivating thing for me is WHEN I have hunger pangs. When I have them, I just tell myself that this is my body eating fat and ridding toxins. When I don't feel hunger, I feel I'm at status quo. When I feel "hunger", it's just my body fighting and ridding me of junk.

Fasting is not easy though, when you feel like your 1 out of 10000. Everyone around you is eating, and the foods you loved are in front of your face. Think of it this way.. at the end of your fast, you WILL be 1 out of 10000. The mental clarity, renewed vigor, and appreciation for your body will truly put you on the other end of the spectrum.

Fasting to me is more powerful than anything else the world has to offer us. Nothing but water, and the mindset to change makes a powerful cleansing tool both physically and mentally.

I look foward to unlocking my full potential as a person, as I know confidence will change, other peoples opinions of me will change (even though I am happy and positive now, people have a different outlook on people who are healthy and in shape, regardless of attitudes), and my opinion of myself will change. The sad thing is, everything we do in life is a mental decision, and we just have to control it.

We use only a small part of our brain, and it is my belief that it is making the difficult decisions that can ultimately better us which requires that unknown brain power. It is more than willpower, or self-control... it is knowing who you are and what you want in life.

If anyone needs some support or encouragement, you can fire me an e-mail at

I want other people to experience how awesome a water fast feels. A little stomach growling is not worth that body you always wanted? Pleeeasssee my stomach does not own me. I tell it to shut the hell up :D. And now that it is day 5, me and stomach dont argue anymore.

Good luck everyone,


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Dec 15, 2017
Looking for inspiration NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you. I'm 44 hours into my first fast in more than 30 years. While the weight loss would be great, I am doing this because I do not want to be controlled any longer by this autoimmune issue I have. So, thank you, Michael. I was looking for words of encouragement. Your words popped up first.

Mar 14, 2017
root explorer download NEW
by: root explorer download

I appreicate the work done and its cool

Mar 20, 2016
Thank you NEW
by: Anonymous

I haven't fasted in a very long time, but more recently have had a strong desire....but huge lack of motivation and will power. This post turned something back on in my soul, so thank you...from my soul. Namaste beloved

Oct 15, 2015
Great Story to Inspire All NEW
by: Jess Wade

There is nothing comes better than a real life story being shared with a positive result to inspire minds who are on route to make some efforts of their own. It can be applied to anything that we relate to, especially with high regards in this particular discussion board about fasting and weight control. Mike, your story is truly having the elements of inspiration and it powers the minds to control the luring of favorite dishes while we are on a fasting mission.

Your words are enough to stress on thing that one must be focused on the mission and then rest of the alluring factors matter nothing. I do work for a firm where reference essays for students are being provided. So my work has nothing to do with physical exercise and the risks are high when I work sitting for hours. I do fasting for a month each year and the benefits are a lot. Keep going Mike, with your efforts and I wish all the very best for you.

Jess Wade

Sep 03, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Students should learn to manage their time in all aspects of life. They should keep balance between social, personal and academic life. They should not be out of balance in dealing with these affairs.

Dec 02, 2014
Thanks! NEW
by: needTolooseweight

Thank you so much, I needed to hear this right now. I am an overweight mom with three very active children and a husband who is almost underweight. I have a very busy schedule with little or no time to work out. I have started and failed before, but this time I am determined to stick to it, because I hate what I see in the mirror and my clothes dont fit. I am not doing a water fast though.I fast till about 4pm and then have some fruit for the day. I try to do some exercise and drink loads of water. I am just on day 4. Its difficult because I do all the cooking so there's temptation, but I am determined and your words are really encouraging. thanks again!!!

Aug 03, 2014
Thanks! NEW
by: J

It is my first day of a 30 day fast (done this last year too so it is my second time over all) and let me just tell you that IT IS HARD but reading this helped me so much and brought my spirits back up so thank you ao much and good luck everyone!

May 02, 2014
First houre of day 2 NEW
by: Mo

Oh boy the first day was difficult but I cannot believe I finished it I usually fail. But this time I kept it going. It is now 1:25 am, i woke up wanting FOOD! But I am afraid to eat, I hope that is enough to keep me going.

Jan 16, 2013
Thank you NEW
by: Anonymous

Your words are powerful , thank you I need to read this

Apr 27, 2012
Day 1 coming to an end NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey man, your words of inspiration was just what I wnted to hear. This is day one for me. It's not that bad right now, but I know when I get home around the food that my wife has cooked for the kids I might want to back slide, but relating the hunger pains to my body getting rid of fax and toxins will help me get through it.

Thanks again and good luck to you.

Jun 21, 2011
by: Chrissy

Wow Mike, your testimony has really encouraged me to tell my stomach to shut up too! It really is about knowing who you are and what you want in life. I will definitely be starting my fast this week!

Jun 15, 2010
really thank you
by: catherine

I am at day 2 and going through those hunger pangs. Thank you for you post. It gave me power not to give up-probably for the next few hours. I know I will have hunger pangs again soon, so I will re-read your post. Beautiful words!

Jun 15, 2010
really thank you
by: catherine

I am at day 2 and going through those hunger pangs. Thank you for you post. It gave me power not to give up-probably for the next few hours. I know I will have hunger pangs again soon, so I will re-read your post. Beautiful words!

Jun 05, 2010
by: Tea

Just wanted to say thank you for everything you wrote! I have fasted for 40 days twice last year..this year has been a struggle everytime I tried to fast for some reason...but Im on day 6 and was feeling a little discoraged like I was gonna give in...(to the annoying food temptation) I googled fasting encouragment and here you were with the perfect words!! So thanks again! God bless!

Jan 13, 2010
by: Anonymous

Hahaha, Les... old farts is a broad statement!
Yes, I am only 22.. but I circumstances in my life forced me to grow up quick, sometimes painfully, but it has taught me much.
I see the world for what it is and fasting makes more sense than a lot of things these days..
You put a smile on my face with such a compliment..
Hope everyones endeavours are eye opening and rewarding! I know mine is.


Jan 13, 2010
by: luv'nlife

Are you really only 22? You sound much wiser then your age. I'm glad you found this fountain of youth in your youth and not like some of us old farts! Congrats!!!


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