intermittent fasting    

First time fasting

Hi! This is my first time doing a juice fast! I am 22f 6' 300 pounds and ready to take my life back.. I was about to get bariatric surgery when I realized I want to do this on my own! I do need support though, lots of it!

I'd love a buddy my email is

I have bought all the materials for a 60 day juice fast with an interim and then a 7 day water fast!!
Let's do this together!


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Sep 10, 2015
Yesssss NEW
by: Garth98

If i talk about my exprience with fasting then I think first time fasting is very hard to complete because it's unroutine work. But ater 3 or 4 fasting other fasting become easy to complete. I'm happy to know the benefits of fasting with the help of this website which i don't know enough about it but you have great research on it. however, I'm trying to get a person who can do my essay but love this site because i like to fasting when month of fasting come.

Jul 07, 2015
great comments NEW
by: Welch

In the season of so much development people need to study second time and concentrate time for study is much troublesome, now they require not to stretch over this in light of the fact that we are giving quality direction online on our website where an understudy can get any field of preparing.

Aug 07, 2013
I hope the best outcome! NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm not sure when you made the post..but if recently I wish you the very best! I'm 2 days in!!

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