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I need a buddy for a 40 day water fast 8/24/11- 10/2/11

by Carrie

Hello I am seeking a buddy to join me on my fast. I am just looking to change my bad habits into good habits. I am mostly doing my fast so that I can draw closer to God and for him to move on other's behalf:) If you need a friend please let me know so that we can encourage one another.

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Oct 30, 2015
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Sep 08, 2015
Water fast NEW
by: Anonymous

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Jun 10, 2015
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Sep 16, 2011
water fast buddy
by: Anonymous

Hey, I will definately be your buddy. I'm actuallyl starting my water/juice fast today. Since it is my first day I have been drinking just water and i juiced some strawberries and apples with lemon to start me out. I'd like to drink just water but maybe once a day if at all i would like to add some home made juices. the juice i drank today was only about half a cup. so not much. Since i don't have a juicer i have to blend and then strain all the pulp out. My email is axbeck @ ualr . edu if you'd like to do this by email or also we could talk on skype.. no matter. I also need to draw closer to God.. maybe we could help each other. God bless you
My name is April Xocom-Beck and i also have facebook :)

Sep 13, 2011
I will finish with you....
by: Sofisticatedmama


I didn't start with you and not ready for such a long fast but I'm willing to start tomorrow Wed, 14th of September and finish with you on Oct. 2nd. If you're interested in having a last minute buddy which for me will be the first time I fast for 2 weeks (19 days to be exact) then you can respond with an email to:
Hope to hear from you soon and then will I begin.

Sep 13, 2011
Are you still looking for a fasting buddy?
by: Mia

Good morning! I too have a habit I want to break,
A junkfood addiction. I would like to continue on with
You if you are still looking! I ate this morning but
Will stop right now. If you respond, I will know
That it ya the lord!

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