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by Robert Dave Johnston Juice fasting and detoxification can raise your mind and body from obesity, hopelesness and depression to levels of health and vitality that you may have never experienced. If you are overweight and feel tired and weak, I dare say that - through juice fasting - the best years of your life are at hand. In these series of pages, our goal is to give you information about fasting with fruits and vegetables so that you may become motivated to try it for yourself. This juice fasting discussion continues in The Juicing Process and concludes in Juice Recipes where we present fruit and vegetable mixtures you can use to get started. You also can visit the lemonade diet page for a four-part discussion on that particular fasting detox method. The lemonade diet is another way to lose weight and detoxify your body, and it has become increasingly popular over the past couple of years. If you are interested in starting with juice fasting right-away, I just finished my Amazon Kindle book titled How to Lose 30 pounds (Or More) In 30 Days With Juice Fasting. If you have a Kindle Reader Juice Fasting LifestyleThe most important factor I want to emphasize about juice fasting and detoxification is that it should NOT be a ONE TIME event. Rather, my message is that juice fasting - little by little - can become a PERMANENT fixture in your lifestyle. Change is always difficult at the beggining. But if you have the desire and commitment to lose weight and get healthy, then juice fasting is an amazingly-powerful way to attain these goals. My experience was no different. I was on a never-ending see-saw. I would lose weight and feel great. But there was little or no change in my eating habits, thinking, behavior or lifestyle. Inevitably, I would relapse into binging and undo all of the progress. This went on for more than 10 years of absolute misery. Perhaps you can relate. Maybe you have experienced how demoralizing it can be to spend years struggling with food, eating and your weight and health. Juice fasting and detoxification accomplishes two things: It facilitates quick weight loss, AND cleanses the blood, vital organs and digestive system. Detox cleansing, for its part, eliminates the toxicity that causes most cravings for the wrong types of foods. Moreover, juice fasting and detoxification often fosters profound emotional healing and even increased spiritual insight. I mean: How can you lose? What are you waiting for? In my opinion, the world's best "healing" and "cleansing" agents are inside fruits and vegetables. It's a win-win situation. Fresh - Not Pausterized One of the most important aspects of Juice Fasting and Detoxification is that the body benefits from the freshness of the fruits and vegetables ... nothing is processed or pausterized. I would say that 98% of what I eat is raw and uncooked. This is at the very heart of juice fasting and the vegan, raw food movement. When you eat a carrot, the body digests it by extracting the juice for nutrition. The fiber is sent to the colon and the rest becomes waste. Juice fasting and detoxification gives the body a direct shot of the raw juice without it having to break down the fruit or vegetable. The body receives maximum benefit from the nutrients and Phytochemicals, which we will talk more about on the following page. For more on raw food diets and the vegan lifestyle, you can go to our page on fruit fasting. Phytochemicals are compounds found in many vegetables that have potent medicinal properties. They are said to hold the key to preventing deadly diseases as cancer, asthma, heart disease, allergies etc. Here's a powerful example: The phytochemical Diindolylmethane found in broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and kale is used as a treatment for recurring respiratory disease and a variety of cancers. This type of nutrition is hard to come by via the often high-fat diets many of us eat today. It is missing in the diets of millions of persons around the globe. Millions of people spend years searching for a solution to their health and weight problems, not realizing that nature itself has the answer to many ailments through juice fasting and detoxification. I am NOT putting down medicine or saying that it is not valuable. I AM saying that juice fasting and detoxification is a mighty way to prevent disease and improve our health and lives. It is much better to do whatever it takes to keep ourselves healthy than to have to deal because we never took care of our bodies. Making it a PriorityI want you to realize the importance of making juice fasting and detoxification and the huge impact that it can have in your life. A combination of fresh raw fruits and vegetables supplies enzymes, vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats that your body so very much needs for optimum performance. The modern lifestyle takes its toll on the body more than you realize. So often, for lack of time, we eat the wrong types of foods, cover up hunger with coffee or other stimulants, or simply do not eat at all. That type of malnutrition is NOT the type of fasting we are talking about here. When cells are functioning correctly, vital nutrients are more easily absorbed into the body. This results in the ongoing elimination of toxins, many of which hide in stored fat and the walls of the colon. These toxins often result in skin problems, cold and flu viruses, lethargy and tiredness, headaches and migraines, depression, bad breathe and body odor. Your cells' energy can also be unbalanced by a poor diet, food additives, lack of fresh fruits and vegetables, little or no exercise, stress and worry, smoking, alcohol, drugs and anesthetics, among many others. It is amazing the immense amount of damage we do to ourselves because we lose control of our instinct to eat. The good news is that most or all of these symptoms can - in many cases - disappear after a period of juice fasting and detoxification. It takes hard work and determination, but the rewards are definitely up for grabs if one is willing to pay the price. I am convinced that the solution to many of mankind's problems lies in each person assuming responsibility for every aspect of his or her life. We all need help sometimes. But doing nothing to keep ourselves healthy (physically and mentally) and then running to a doctor when we "surprisingly" become ill is simply ludicrous. Juice fasting and detoxification is ONE way that you can start to exert this personal responsibility and do your part to make your life everything that it can be. ARE YOU WILLING? Let us now move on and talk more about phytochemicals and The Miracle of Juice Fasting. Return from Juice Fasting and Detoxification to Juice Fasting MAIN.
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