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by Robert Dave Johnston Hello and welcome to the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet page. This is page 2 of 4 that we have on this topic. In this series, you will learn "what" the master cleanser is and "how" to carry it out and break it properly. Here is PART ONE if you have not read it. If at any time you have a question that is not answered in these articles, please Contact Us. Ok, here we go! One of the first things I liked about the master cleanse lemonade diet is that it's actually easy to make. Many do-it-at-home health programs, as the picture above, proclaim simplicity but can become cumbersome and impractical. This lemonade detox, on the other hand, is simple and effective. I saw it raise my son from illness to renewed vitality and health. Again, the master cleanse lemonade diet is NOT a "fix-all" panacea, but it does work. Alright, the lemonade diet mixture combines the following ingredients:
Combine the ingredients in a TEN OUNCE ounce glass. Drink SIX-TO-TWELVE glasses of the mixture daily. In reality, drink the mixture anytime you feel hungry - within reason. I DO NOT suggest that you drink more than 15 glasses per day. Of course, no other food should be taken during the master cleanse lemonade diet. For the sake of expediency, I suggest that you prepare the mixture in gallon increments. One gallon should last you at least two days. Each night, the master cleanse lemonade diet asks you to drink ONE CUP of Herbal Laxative Tea. That Traditional Medicinals tea linked to the left is AMAZING! You will have memorable bowel movements ... definitely for the record books. Really, really good tasting and effective. Another amazing natural laxative I want to bring to your attention is Herbs and Prunes. Two-to-four of those daily and you'll be barking at the moon for sure. :-) Seriously, these are both very good supplements that will accelerate the cleansing process exponentially. Oral EnemaUpon awakening, the lemonade diet regimen asks that you drink a so called "salt-water flush" to incite a strong bowel movement. This flush has been referred to as an "oral enema" because it flushes the entire digestive tract and colon - usually in less than one hour. It helps the body clear out Mucoid Plaque, Parasitic Worms and debris from the walls of the intestines. This flush consists of two teaspoons of un-iodized sea salt with a quart of lukewarm water. The enormous amount of salt, with its high amount of gravity, pushes the water through the entire body, dragging with it amazing amounts of feces from the body - many which could have been in your body for years. Drink it quickly because, honestly, it is not very tasty. You should have a bowel movement in as little as 15 minutes or as long as two hours. If you do not, then you need to add more salt when you drink the flush the "following day". DO NOT drink another flush the same day if the first one did not produce a result. HAVE PATIENCE AND GIVE YOU BODY TIME. If, over the course of several days, you find that you still do not have a bowel movement, then you may have a more serious condition and should see a gastroenterologist. By the way, this type of water flush can be used during any type of fasting and cleansing procedure, even prior to a colonic and/or enema. The only other beverage permitted during this diet is un-fluoridated water and peppermint tea. While on the master cleanse lemonade diet program, you should experience three or more bowel movements per day. Good! Let's go to Part THREE of The Lemonade Detox Diet and press on.
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