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Question Concerning Fasting

by 40DayFaster

I am planning on starting a 40 day fast this week. I have some concerns and questions regarding fasting.

For one thing, i am a student going to college and i work in retail.

Is it safe to be fasting on only water and still operate a motor vehicle? This is the only thing holding me back for doing a 40 day water fast.

I am scared that it will not be safe for me to drive my self to work and school because the feeling of weakness and lightheadedness.

Please help me.

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May 19, 2015
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Mar 10, 2011
by: Anonymous

I would like a fasting buddy.

Mar 10, 2011
40 day fast
by: Anonymous

I would love to be your fasting buddy... it would help me a lot... I am doing this to help get rid of my hives...

Mar 07, 2011
Take Public Transport
by: Anonymous

It's way too risky to drive any kind of motor vehicle or bike while fasting or even doing a mono diet.
One little brief moment of lightheadedness could have tragic consequences.
I've been on fasts and grape diets where I had little dizzy spells when everything went black for a few seconds and I had to grab onto the nearest door handle or chair to keep from falling. Imagine if that happened while you were on the road.

Mar 07, 2011
fasting for weightloss
by: Anonymous

Hello, I'm also going on a 40 day water fast starting tomorrow and i greatly need support and motivation! it would be wonderful if we could be fasting buddies.

Mar 06, 2011
by: Anonymous

Is this for Lent?

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